Ivan Zdravković
Date of Birth: 04.04.1988.
Master of Sport and Physical Education
Why me:
Proper load dosing at the beginning is very important to me. Only such guided training with a gradual increase in intensity leads to good results while avoiding injuries. For a good appearance, I use bodybuilding methods. For a good feeling, conditioning, and health, in addition to bodybuilding, I use circuit training methods. I approach each trainee individually, considering their specificities and goals, and design workouts accordingly. I advocate for good energy and communication during training, as well as correct execution of each repetition and adopting the correct starting position.
My clients:
>Od deteta kojem treniramo mišiće trupa zbog loše posture i kretanja, preko privrednika kojima je trening jedino vreme za sebe, do 60-godišnjaka koji hoće da ostanu vitalni što duži period
Personal motto: Train enough, eat healthy, stay positive, laugh more!
6:00 – 22:30h
Saturday: 10:00 – 22:00h
Sunday: 10:00 – 20:00h
+381 63 549 999
Viber & WhatsApp